How An Outside Perspective Can Turn Your Businesses Around

How An Outside Perspective Can Turn Your Businesses Around

You know your business better than anyone else. The team, the clients, and the operations – you are aware of your strengths and you believe you have the blueprint for success.

So, why hire an outside perspective?

It is simple – an outside perspective is not emotionally married to any pre-existing mental model of your business, or its (hidden) problems.

An outsider does not need to maneuver around the politics and can objectively evaluate the team and make recommendations that could be difficult to do as a business owner. Leveraging an outside person helps implement change and hold people accountable. In a much shorter time, you will be able to better understand key insights, accomplish some wish list items and turn your business around.

What types of recommendations does an outside perspective bring?

Every organization is unique, so the solutions to the problems will always be different. Some of the most common things we implement with our clients are accountability meetings, new technologies, and training and development programs. It takes a skilled consultant to determine the areas of top concern and conclude what recommendations need to be made and in what order they need to happen.

How do we reach these conclusions?

Usually, the first step is to meet with the business owner and key managers to discover what the business stands for, whom the company serves and the ultimate mission of the organization. The discovery meeting will help determine what your organization’s most significant problems are and what needs to happen next to discover the root cause.

Sixth Sense Solutions takes it another level deeper. We also hold meetings with key executives, review essential documents (such as a P&L or onboarding documents), and big-picture items such as sales and recruiting strategies. We survey and interview both clients and prospects to understand the hidden perceptions of your business and how the workflow of your entire organization serves its own mission.


Sixth Sense Solutions: What sets us apart?

Unlike other healthcare consultants, Sixth Sense Solutions listens to the words that are not said. We observe your team and your prospects and discover problems that are not seen by the naked eye. We know the most common inefficiencies in healthcare organizations (specifically in hospital staffing, RCFE’s, home care, hospice, and home health) because we have worked with many already. Our methods are proven to turn businesses around.

“Our organization’s sales are up over 17% over the last year since we started working together with Sixth Sense Solutions” – Business Owner, Senior Living Facility in Santa Cruz.

We know this because we see through the recommendations. Together, we will implement the strategy we laid out for your organization. Our strategic consultants will sit in on the accountability meetings, be the sounding board for new ideas and provide the feedback loop on all the new programs we implemented.

“We develop a personal relationship with all our clients so you can feel comfortable sharing personal information. Together we will discover your business’ vulnerabilities and do what needs to be done to make sure you come out on top.” – Keith Freeman, Strategic Consultant at Sixth Sense Solutions

Are you ready to turn around your business?

Start working with an outside consultant to turn your business around. Write down where you would like to see your business in one year from now, and give us a call. Please schedule an appointment with a strategic consultant by contacting us on our website.


About the Author 

Keith Freeman, MBA

A dynamic thinker with a great sense of humor, Keith Freeman, MBA, is a Strategic Consultant offering unique solutions to transform healthcare organizations such as hospitals, hospice/palliative, home health, and home care, RCFE/assisted living and skilled nursing facilities and professional healthcare staffing services that support them.