How to Make Staffing more Fun and Remove the Guess Work out of Hiring?

How do I take the guess work out of hiring?

In my discussions with business owners across the country, when it comes to hiring, it can be hit or miss. 

You probably have a process in place that involves candidate selection through a rigorous data based process, or one less formal that’s more gut based, and any where in between this spectrum. 

And you no doubt have had some great hires! Along with some mediocre hires, coupled with some people who you thought were going to work out, but you ended up with some disappointment and a few war stories to tell.

We like to take the guess work out of hiring.

How do we do that?

As part of a defined process, we use scientifically validated tools and methods that are based on over 50 years of research, 60 million assessments and have over 500 individual validated studies. 

In the video we review two amazing tools: the job assessment and the behavioral assessment , and the power combination this creates for matching candidates.

This will save a lot of time and lost investment in trial and error.

While these are great data points to have in your hiring and team building approach, we suggest that these are put in the context of a defined process not just for hiring, but also designing and inspiring your employees to build your dream team!

Want to optimize your people strategy to match your business strategy? Schedule a discovery meeting with Sixth Sense Solutions today. Call us at 949-241-6690, or you can reach our team via email at [email protected]

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